The 10 Reasons I Decided to Vote for Donald Trump

I have been writing for forty years, but last summer I decided to comment on politics. For these past decades, sports and business subject matter filled my writing appetite, but the historical (and quite insane) election cycle that began brewing last year in the U.S. was just too delicious to ignore.

Being a U.S. born dual-citizen now in my late 50s, I lived the first half of my life under Canadian socialism, and the second under American capitalism. Unlike most of my American friends, I have personally experienced living under martial law, universal health care, language police, and have paid the gouging taxes and consumer prices so familiar to socialist nations.

But unlike most of my Canadian friends, I have personally experienced decades of actually living, working, and raising a family in the United States. I have been blessed to experience life on both sides of a border -- and both sides of a culture.

Hopefully, this will be my last GregsList addressing politics. As interesting, entertaining, and even hysterical the discourse, I have concluded that a political argument is simply a no-win conversation today. This election cycle has unveiled the worst side of nice people, and illuminated a cultural and ideological divide not seen in this country since the turbulent 1960s. Maybe ever.

I am uniquely biased – and uniquely qualified – to analyze this election. As stated, I know few people who have actually lived and worked on both sides of the argument, for multiple decades. I am indeed biased towards American libertarianism, and the first to declare my favorite president was Ronald Reagan. I am guilty of believing in the American Dream, of rugged individualism, of law and order, and of cultural tradition. I love family and friends. I hate nobody. And as a social liberal raised in Canada, I don't care who you marry, as long as you both love hockey.

Although I predicted a Trump victory as early as July 2015, and have re-confirmed my prediction with several subsequent GregsLists, I had not committed to vote for him until now. As with any GregsList, I simply want to share my thinking in taking a position, or making a major decision.    

1. Trump has not served one minute as a public servant
Donald Trump has only lived and worked in the private sector. Unlike career politicians, he has never received a salary funded by the taxpayer. The distinction is a great one. My mother was a public school teacher in Canada and always reminded me that her salary was paid by the parents – the taxpayers – and her responsibility as a teacher was to them. Conversely, in the private sector one is only responsible for oneself, and to live within the rule of law. And, thanks to the constitution, that's about it for private citizens. If any of his actions in the past are deemed illegal, he should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. An indisputable fact is that any shenanigans Donald Trump has done, or anything offensive he has said, is as a private citizen. How he will perform as a public servant is speculation only, rather than track record. Hillary Clinton's shenanigans – which includes blatant law breaking and self-enrichment – has been as a public servant. Her 30-year track record is indeed on the public dole. Scrutiny of her, including rabid political opponents, is more than fair game – and will be for Trump should he become a public servant for the next four years.    

2. Those that protect us every day want Trump to be President
Just ask insiders – our police, military, border security, FBI, and the rest. This is an issue that is close to my heart, in that I have personally known so many of these great people over the years because of my work. I believe at least three-quarters of these public servants want Donald Trump to be president. It's 75% or better, from what I gather, but we might never know the actual percentage due to confidentiality agreements. But go ahead and debate me on this one, oh liberal friends. I have personally met with so many cops and military people who have told me in confidence they do not respect President Obama, and they dread the day they serve under a President Hillary Clinton. These folks believe that Obama leadership has handcuffed them in effectively fighting those who would harm citizens. Whether it's fighting ISIS, or trying to take our inner-city streets back from gangs and thugs, most feel the president puts politics and his personal legacy first. It is common knowledge Secret Service agents (to this day) dread being on Hillary Clinton's security detail, that having to work for her is actually considered punishment! She can apparently be very rude and disrespectful, and treats employees like minions. Donald Trump gets my vote largely because he is not only respected, but adored by our police and military personnel. Not all of course, but most. Just ask them in confidence some time. If Trump is their choice, he's my choice too.  

3. World danger is here and now. Hello?
"Trump is crazy and will be dangerous" is the ongoing mantra I hear from the left. I continue to pinch myself when listening to anti-Trumpers who seem to have convinced themselves that everything in the world today is hunky-dory, and the U.S. has been super-duper under President Obama. Am I missing something here? The Middle East nightmare, the snail-paced economic growth, the 20-trillion federal debt, almost 60-million people not in the workforce, the mass shootings and spiking violent crime? I am taking a controversial and highly contrarian position here, and believe Donald Trump will garner respect for the U.S. in the world, and also dramatically improve business relations and national security. I predict many experts will be confounded with not only his election, but his eventual track record as president.  

4. The New Age Movement desperately wants Hillary elected
After deeply researching the subject, I often address the New Age Movement and its kissing cousins, the New World Order, One World Government, open borders, and the single-currency crowd. Without getting into a theological discussion, many Christians believe there is a global movement to eventually eliminate westernized Christianity in the name of diversity, and establish a one-world, secular and "utopian" society. Think France. Or Quebec. Say what you will about Donald Trump, he is not a New Ager. Rather, he is a Christian nationalist who believes in American exceptionalism, rugged individualism, and market-based solutions rather than government intervention. Despite his many vile and vulgar tendencies over the years, voting for Donald Trump is a vote for the preservation of America's Judeo-Christian roots. As importantly to Christians and other peaceful religions, electing Trump would serve as a muscular push-back against the New Age Movement, and to the self-annointed globalists among us.  

5. Hillary Clinton should be disqualified from running for any public office
Only in America could someone who couldn't get security clearance for an entry-level clerk-typist job be elected president. Can you imagine if this state-of-affairs existed in the old days of politics? Give me an old-fashioned crook like Richard Nixon. At least he had the class to resign. Give me an old-fashioned scandal like Dan Quayle 's father calling favors to get him into the National Guard. The horror! Secretary Clinton is no longer allowed to receive national security briefings during her candidacy – but serving as president, no problemo. At least The Basket of Deplorables knows Donald Trump can pass a background check and receive national security clearance! Geez.

6. The arrogant mainstream media needs an adjustment. Big time.
If there is one issue that seems to become more shrill every year, it is the issue of bias in the media. Conservatives insist the mainstream media is biased in favor of the president and Hillary Clinton. Liberals believe Fox News is in the tank for Republicans. Truth be told, it is common knowledge that members of the media are largely liberal, and vote Democrat. These journalists and media personalities consider themselves objective, and thus above partisan reporting. This conclusion, to me, is folly. I even lobbied for full-disclosure by journalists with an old essay about having to wear Political Buttons on camera. I believe media members would be more careful and “honest” if they had to disclose their political affiliation. As a core Libertarian, I am the first to admit I am biased. Why are Liberals not biased too? Once again, say what you will about Donald Trump, but he has tossed the mainstream media in the air – like a spinning political pizza – and has even thrown a wrench into cable news stations like Fox. To me, it is a humility adjustment that is decades overdue, and sorely needed.

7. American strength is needed for peace and domestic safety
My Canadian grandfather lectured me at length for considering such a war monger and shallow candidate for president. This was 1980 and Papa was referring to Ronald Reagan. Anyone who actually believes the current administration, or the Democratic nominee for president, are feared by our enemies is simply not paying attention. Or perhaps in deep ideological denial. When Iran extorts $1.8 billion in cash from U.S. taxpayers, and Vladimir Putin gets pissed because Democrats are blaming all of their election woes on him, this is not world respect. This is not instilling peaceful fear. Sorry, my wonderful pacifist friends out there, I much prefer my enemy fear me – not goad me. Either way, I'm sure my late Canadian grandfather would be appalled with my choice to vote for Donald Trump!

8. Jobs jobs jobs
Early in the election race, addressing government welfare programs, Trump theorized that the best social program is a good job. A well-paying, family wage job with benefits, Trump believes, will overcome many of the daily woes every day citizens face today. When the economy is rocking and people are employed, a kind of karmic momentum takes hold, often followed by steady, robust growth. Even the most vocal Never-Trumpers must concede this point to him – he would be a better jobs creator that his opponent. Big league.

9. Trump wants to stop corrupt politicians and elitist government
To me, after growing up with Canadians, I was frustrated when I would hear many lament about their lot in life, but reluctantly accept this lot. This convinces me my American DNA is dominant. With complete apologies to my Canadian brethren, I am now convinced that one of the dominant traits of those in socialist countries is this very acceptance of government being in charge. Nothing can be done about it. It's just the way things are. Do some Americans have this trait of political complacency? Of course. But never have I seen an acceptance of gouging government taxes, repressive regulations, $5.00 gas prices, and other outright thievery of the population, than that of my Canadian and European friends. Call me an old-fashioned, closed-minded American Patriot, clinging to my guns and religion, but I am relieved to know – and wholeheartedly believe – the everyday American citizen like you and me can still make a difference when it comes to our lots in life. It's the Tipping Point concept of momentum. Say what you will about Donald Trump, he believes in the American Dream, and the freedoms provided to us by the Founding Fathers. Whether loved or hated and for better or worse, Trump is the living embodiment of the American Dream. It is his signature feisty trait of not accepting the status-quo that enamors his supporters. It's a Clint Eastwood cockiness. This trait distinctly identifies a unique American spirit that is familiar to most people worldwide, and captures the very American culture of freedom and individualism in daily practice. I personally see no reason why Trump's capitalist and entrepreneurial spirit will not transfer to the Oval Office – to the benefit of the economy and the prosperity of hard-working citizens.

10. Norman Vincent Peale was Trump's pastor and mentor
Much uproar started with the discovery of then-candidate Barack Obama's long time affiliation with Reverend Jeremiah Wright. Obama opponents insisted there was a radical component to the preacher, and they questioned his friendship with the future president, directly or by proxy. Wright was labeled an America-hater by the right, mainly due to inflammatory statements he made during past sermons. Unlike the president's subsequent distancing himself from his then spiritual mentor, Donald Trump, to this day openly celebrates his early years with Norman Vincent Peale as his pastor. Peale is renowned for his Christian approach to life, and his legendary book, The Power of Positive Thinking. After following Trump's business career since the 1970s, and now his political life, I always remark his simplistic brand approach of using positive headlines and messages in pursuit of momentum-style victory. To me, this is highly indicative of Peale's positive influence in Trump's life, and I would choose Norman Vincent Peale's message over Jeremiah Wright's any day. Every day.