Ducks-in-a-Row Feminism

Funny, I quipped this phrase on a radio show chatroom yesterday, and the host (Mike Russell) loved it so much he wrote it down – with a promise to “steal” it! I love it, because Russell is an obsessive, gifted Wordsmith, and this was one for his Toolbox!

For giggles, here’s a quick explanation:

My contention was conservative women (yes, often Republican) have their ducks-in-a row when it comes to Feminism and their role in the world. As SO many regular folks out there agree, Feminism has taken a radical, uber-left turn in the past few decades when it comes to women’s issues, and today’s challenges thereof.

Today’s “modern” feminists (yes, mostly Democrat) insist that:

1. Late-Term and Partial-Birth abortion are totally ok
2. Men are deliberate, daily oppressors of women
3. Career achievement is more important than marriage or having children
4. If you’re a stay-at-home mom, or a homeschooler, you’re a loser
5. Companies choose to pay them less because they are women
6. If you follow God daily, you are an old-fashioned loser
7. They are ALWAYS RIGHT

A Ducks-in-a-Row Feminist believes:

1. Late-Term abortion is barbaric
2. Men are protectors and providers
3. Marriage and family is their top priority
4. Kids deserve a great education, as well as safety and security
5. People are paid based on the jobs they choose, and how hard they work
6. God is above all things
7. They are open to new ideas and debate

Thankfully to me, I believe the vast majority of women today have their ducks-in-a-row, and do not tow the radical feminist line. Ask them sometime. They don’t hate men. They aren’t ANGRY. They are more concerned with the price of groceries and gas, than of global warming and protecting late-term abortion.

To you traditional gals, I applaud you. There are more of you than less of you. Don’t ever feel undervalued or second-rate because a radical feminist with a big microphone tells you so!

You have your ducks in a row.