by Greg Meakin

Don’t just live life. Start an adventure. Be on a mission.

This message is not directed to everyone. Some people are happy every day. My grandmother in Montreal was that way. Just like that. What a blessing. Most of us, however, have to “work at it”.

In my forty-five year business career, and interacting with literally hundreds of thousands of human beings – from the janitor, to the CEO, and everyone in between – I have concluded three things:

  1. I believe most people just want to be happy 
2. I believe humans today are largely unhappy
  3. I believe most are barking up the wrong trees in pursuit of happiness

I might be wrong, but I don’t think so. And yes, the above blatantly broad-brush stroke has filled volumes – and could fill future volumes of intellectual dissection, deep analysis, and myriad action plans.
(I just don’t have the time right now, I’m on a mission!!).

I write this mainly as a reaction to a recent Jordan Peterson video clip. I am a complete Dr. J. Groupie. Peterson contended that those of us who are Type-A (or just generally pursuing self-improvement in some way) cannot play life Safe and expect to be happy.

“Safe”, meaning creating a cocoon of pseudo-contentment with daily life. Paying the bills, going through the motions, not jumping into any form of controversy, risk, or daily discipline.

Or just living every day with silent fear or anxiety.

Dr. Peterson’s contention is that the best way to be happy is to start a new adventure, big or small, and the PROCESS of adventure makes people…feel happy! Boom.

It totally makes sense. It’s the feeling you get when you’re working on something, doing something, looking forward to something, you get the drift. It just feels better than being “lazy” – by playing it safe and doing nothing. 

That said, as a mentor to young people, and having raised three boys, I add an important element. Perhaps a more important element.

Be on a mission.

Adventure, as mentioned above, can be big or small. It can be traveling, changing up a daily routine, trying a new sport or activity, writing or drawing, or larger dreams and undertakings. 

But in any Adventure, I always encourage people to also be on a Mission. A higher purpose for Good. A core reason or goal to pursue the Adventure.

Adventure + Mission = Happy.

Is it that simple? I have no idea, but I do know I have been recklessly pursuing adventure since I was a toddler, much to the chagrin of my late mother, and my wife!

But now, as a Non-Toddler, I am on a Mission too. And boy, wherever life goes from here, I feel happy.

And I hope you do too. Don’t be scared. 

Being happy feels better.